Friday, May 25, 2012


Maybe I was meant to stumble upon Stephanie's blog.  This is exactly what I've been wanting to do since last week.  Sometimes being vulnerable is okay.  It definitely feels like I'm releasing a whole lotta stress.  Thanks Stephanie for making it feel okay to just "BE" for a moment.  

Here is the idea behind BYH:
1.Blog whatever is on your heart. It can be serious,silly,angry,happy,blunt,ridiculous. It can be ANYTHING but it has to be authentic (yes,there's that dang buzz word...but to be fair I've been a proponent of authenticity for a long time). The post can be long or short, doesn't matter.
2.No judging. No snarky comments, no making fun, no passive agressive digs. If you are goingto read the blogs linked in the comments, don't be mean.
3. If you play along- link in the comments. I always read and comment on every single blog and alot of you do. I've noticed a cool community of women that grows out of these posts.
Let's Do This!
1.  I've been feeling really lazy the last few months.  I've got a ton of things to do and I'm moving at a snail's pace.  Sometimes I just want to sleep for days!  I constantly feel like I am "ON" all the time and I just want to disconnect, period.  I need a spark to get me fired up!
2.  I'm scared of moving forward.  I'm scared that I am not going to like what is in the future.  I turned "38" this past May and I feel like crap.  I'm not happy. I tell myself that it's just another phase.  I seem to go thru phases every two years.  Funny thing, exactly two years ago this month I was in a "phase" and left B. for the 3rd time.  What the hell is going on with me., ugghh!! Moving forward would mean depending on myself, which is not the problem.  I feel the "challenge" in moving forward comes down to saying to myself, was it really worth it?  I need to get out of this funk!
3.  I've been creating.  This has definitely made me feel good.  I just wish I could create 24/7. When I feel rotten, I create.  I constantly feel the need to quite Nursing to acquire a career in the design industry.  I got into nursing because it made sense and I'm really good at it.  However, there is a deep inner passion for creating and I want to do it FT.  Is it really possible?  Don't know yet!
4.  I miss my Uncle Phil (damn it, I'm crying).  I really, really miss him.  I want him to talk to me or show up in my dreams.  I want him to tell me that everything is alright and I'm doing the right thing.  I miss his hugs and deep affection for me.  143

If you decide to BYH feel free to snag the graphic above.  Please Link with Love and link your page back to here and Stephanie's Blog.

Have a great day!!

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